New tool for selecting and configuring CAREL products
Correct sizing and selection of all of the components in an HVAC/R system is essential for offering end customers the best, most complete and safest solution.
Every day, designers, installers, distributors and manufacturers need to take into consideration and calculate countless variables in order to select the right components.
This is the basis for the development of CAREL CPQ, the tool created to simplify the work of our partners, a guide for sizing, selecting and even configuring CAREL’s products in the simplest and clearest possible way.
CAREL today officially launches its CPQ online selection and configuration tool.
CPQ allows users to select CAREL’s solutions based on the available design data, providing a list of purchasable part numbers complete with supporting technical documentation, installation layouts and much more, depending on the selected product.
CPQ has been designed to be extremely easy to use, guiding the selection with a series of suggestions, warnings and predefined options, while at the same time leaving maximum flexibility in choosing the products. CPQ always proposes a complete solution with all of the accessories needed in the field; registered customers can also finalise the selection by purchasing the selected products.
Currently, CPQ can be used to select and size our ranges of humidification systems and electronic expansion valves. However, the tool is being frequently updated and will soon be expanded to manage the selection of new products, including controllers and sensors.
Time is precious! CPQ lets users independently select the right component for their system,
order it and then track the order.
With the CAREL CPQ selection tool users can:

Size the product based on the design data, choose the exact model according to their preferences, and get suggestions on related accessories.

Download technical documentation, layouts and installation data relating to the selected products.

Purchase the selected part numbers and track the order (for registered users).

Receive support from CAREL experts on the specific project.